The hard work of defeating cancer is often seen as an unfavorable career gap. But fighting cancer is one of the toughest jobs an individual will ever have and it deserves a place on the resume. The competencies cancer survivors cultivate through adversity are Super-Abilities, not disabilities or liabilities, as current workplace biases might suggest. Grit, determination, resilience, ownership, dedication, empathy: these are the critical skills companies are looking for in prospective hires.
Named for “No Evidence of Disease” (a medical term) and “Not Entirely Dead” (an inside joke for cancer patients), NED is a social enterprise championing the 600,000+ young adult cancer survivors (ages 19–39) in the U.S. who are ready to work again.
NED is a COMMUNITY cultivating career confidence in cancer survivors, a SERVICE offering super-abled candidates to prospective employers, and a PLATFORM engaging industry leaders to create equitable workplaces and inclusive career pathways.
American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) named the organization 2022 Social Design of the Year.